Simple HQ Recorder

by TKHB Engineering

Music & Audio


Recorder app for recording sound in uncompressed WAV format

This app records sound and stores it in the uncompressed WAV format. Sampling rate can be adjusted to change quality. Pausing during a recording is possible. Recordings can be searched trough, played, shared and refactored(rename, delete).Fixed an error that made the app crash when you wanted to share a file

Read trusted reviews from application customers

All recordings messed up. After a whole session I waisted my time. All recordings corrupted, you killed me here

Ronnie Mokgohlwa

Somehow all recordings are corrupted and i don't know what exactly is wrong...

Arini Rahma

Yass this thing is so boss. I shmaak for it . It reminds me of my pozi jolls.

lachlanrp baird


sabine baird

Does what it says on the tin, and well.

Alex Zeno